
Wine culture
lived for 30

Each of our wines
is a piece of home

Deeply rooted in the soils of Franconia, shaped by the individual terroirs and vinified with experience and care, our wines invite you on a journey of enjoyment across our region.
At Staatlicher Hofkeller Würzburg, we live and work in the heart of Franconia's wine region and cultural landscape. In the middle of Würzburg, in the World Heritage Site of the Residenz, you will find the center of our work: our wine cellar.

In 1128, the Bishop of Würzburg Embricho donated a plot of land in Zell to the "Brothers John and Henry and the other friars" for the foundation of a monastery. 
This was also the beginning of work in the vineyard and in the cellar.

Since then, without interruption, the "Prince Bishop's Hofkeller", later the "Royal Bavarian Hofkeller" and now the Bavarian State Winery "Staatlicher Hofkeller Würzburg", have always been owned by the then current ruling power.

More than 890 years of history make us one of the oldest wineries in the world, and even more, the passion and perfection of over 30 generations of winemakers make us unique.
In their tradition, with experience and foresight, as well as curiosity and innovation, we produce wines that tell our stories.



First documented mention of the Hofkeller/Prince-Bishop's Hofkeller:
A success story begins: first mention of prince-bishop vineyard ownership


Millennial vintage

In 1540, the best wine of the past millennium thrives in Franconia


Swedish barrel

In 1684, the 1540 vintage, brought to safety from the Swedes, is filled into a new barrel - now the oldest in the cellar


Prince Bishop Schönborn
commissions the construction of the Residenz

When the planning of the "castle above all castles" begins, Prince Bishop Johann Philipp Franz von Schönborn orders that an excellent wine cellar be included in the plans


Laying of the foundation stone and start of cellar construction

After the laying of the foundation stone in May 1720, the present court cellar is built by the ingenious Baroque master builder Balthasar Neumann


Royal Bavarian Hofkeller

From 1814, Würzburg is finally Bavarian - Royal Bavarian Hofkeller

1918 until today

State Court Cellar

The democratic Free State of Bavaria also continues the tradition of the Hofkeller

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